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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have never placed an ad with us before (or contributed in the forum), click on the Post Ad button in the classified section and follow the instructions. After you place your first listing, you will then have an account on our website with a personnel dashboard where you can manage your ads at any time. Your ad will immediately be posted after approval by Metroadd Offce. If you publish an ad on a paid list, you need to finalise payment first before approval. There are more than a hundred main categories that are free.

At the top right-hand corner of every page, you will see Sign In. (If it shows your name, you are already logged in.) Please click on that button.

If it says ‘Sign In’, enter your user name, email address, and password. You will be taken to the ‘Your Account Dashbaord’ area, where you can edit your billing and contact information. Then you will have access to Your Orders, where you can review the listings you have placed in the past.

You might have previously used the forum. We might already have a record of your email address. Would you kindly click the “Lost your password link?” Follow the steps to reset it and then log on to place your classified ad.

You can sell items on Gumtree across a range of categories, including:

  • Home & Garden
  • Baby & Children
  • Sport & Fitness
  • Clothing & Jewellery
  • Real Estate
  • Cars & Vehicles
  • Etc…

such as:

  • Alcohol
  • Counterfeit products
  • Electronic surveillance equipment
  • Fireworks
  • Hazardous materials
  • Illegal drugs
  • Lottery tickets
  • Pornographic material
  • Tobacco products
  • Used cosmetics
  • Weapons

Whether you’re hoping to open up another internet selling channel for your business, Metroadd is definitely worth considering as a deal choice. In any case, we are alike, much like some other online selling channel for your business. Metroadd, and there’s no assurance that you’ll create a gain. All things considered, you can find a couple of basic ways to build your business.

Take as much time as is needed to make your post. Rather than simply putting together a promotion in two or three minutes, give a definite depiction and a few excellent photos of the thing you’re attempting to sell.

Find the best deal. Research the market to figure out the number of comparable items that are being promoted. This ought to provide you with a smart idea of what addresses a fair cost to purchasers.

Make sure you answer Clinet’s requests. an Ensure you act quickly; contact purchasers; otherwise, he or she will look somewhere else if you cannot act promptly.

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Buy and sell everything from used cars to mobile phones
and computers, or search for property, jobs and more in the world.